EXTIZE are back and they've brought a special guest onboard - the sensational singer Yu from the band HER OWN WORLD!
This duo with crystal clear female vocals and deep male vocals is explosive like a space rocket! Prepare to be transported to a world where the boundaries of reality blur and music takes flight. "Dark Knight" is a futurepop club anthem that will take you on a virtual journey like no other. With lyrics that speak to the digital age, this song is a pulsating ode to the power of connection, escape, and freedom. Join EXTIZE and HER OWN WORLD as they soar into the blue moonlight, feeling like dark knights in the sky. "Dark Knight" is not just a song; it's an experience. Let the music envelop you, and let the frequencies carry you away!
STREAM & DOWNLOAD now on 👉 https://bfan.link/darkknight
Video edited by Suprahead Studio - Video Production in Strasbourg (https://suprahead.com/)